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Floor Mats and Rear Seats

Cautionary Tale

Founding Member ⚙️
May 9, 2024
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Current Ride
I am hoping some of you are in the know and can assist in addressing a couple big day 1 issues I'd prefer to sort ahead of time.

What kind of floor mats will come factory?
Will the mat footprint be same as current TRX?
Back seats same as current TRX or other Ram 1500's?

I generally use Weathertech mats to help with mud, dog hair, and all mess kids make and really hoping to not muck with carpet even for a day.
Need back row seat covers for the same reasons described above, plus avoiding car seat wear.

Thanks in advance!
I would assume they’d be the same as the TRX. Have you seen those before? If not, I can post some pics. They’re pretty nice, you wouldn’t need to Weatherguards.
I would assume they’d be the same as the TRX. Have you seen those before? If not, I can post some pics. They’re pretty nice, you wouldn’t need to Weatherguards.
I have not. I'd love a picture of front and back if you don't mind.
I have not. I'd love a picture of front and back if you don't mind.
Here’s the only one I have handy. I’ll try to remember to snap some better ones (front and back) when it’s light tomorrow.

Thank you all. Looks like a good amount of protection, but kids always find a way. A few months back my eldest was feeling but not telling that he was unwell and randomly started throwing up while I was stuck at light with train blocking me. There was no amount of soap, water and Febreze that could wash away those memories. Fortunately, I have learned and have bags at the ready going forward ;)