Thank you!

Can we reply to this thread to update the list? I just saw a member who has a regular air intake not the one for RHO
This will come in handy thanks
Yea great thought @scottn - and nicely documented .... going from memory here on the forum:
  • Hood/Body Panel Alignment (some hoods and tailgates off line)
  • Paint Drips/body oxidation (hard to find until you wash / clean)
  • Under body frame scrape/rust - the carriage points - a few guys found missed or scratched e-coating
  • presence of the elusive NFC key card
  • HO intake (not standard) as mentioned above)
  • interior - back side of driver seats / leather alignment (think one or 2 guys may have noted issues)
  • Battery check (for whatever can be done there)
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