RHO Orders @ Mark Dodge! $9K-$11K Dealer Discount (Before incentives)

😂 I am so happy with my past decisions to find a truck on a dealer lot. This pre ordering a truck is a nightmare you miss out on.
From my perspective, I really don't care how long it takes. This is a second vehicle for me and my wife has two vehicles. It's not something I need, so why do I care if it take 3 months or 1 year?? It's humerous to me how anxious some folks get while waiting on their truck. This is the 4th truck I've ordered and they've all showed up eventually. The thing is, if you are in a bind and NEED a truck soon, don't order it.
Thank you for the concern, I am in fact alive and well. Incidentally, I'm not in Louisana nor the path of said hurricane :)

A few updates

1. D1 Status - Since we have been explicitly told to ignore the build dates assigned, there is no value in posting the new D1 dates. There hasn't been any significant drop of dates like those first few, it's a slow trickle, and none of it makes sense. Let me be clear. We were told to IGNORE the dates. We weren't told to take them with a grain of salt, or to take them lightly, or to plus or minus a week. The word was IGNORE. So in the same fashion that I don't repost unbacked intel, I'll also not post items that I know are factually incorrect. Once we see SOME helpful correlation between D1 and production, we can start back up with that. If you have a properly placed sold order with your name/email/etc on it - you should be getting automated emails from RAM if YOUR vehicle hits D1 status regardless, but beyond that, we're in the dark.

2. Forged Blue - Here's some good news, almost all the forged blue orders that we placed now have VIN #s! I think like 3 were missing out of the 25 or so. This is all the ones that were ordered as forged, not change-requests.

3. Graphics - Late last week the hood graphics and exterior graphics were removed from the ordering software without any memo or alert on it. This is not uncommon, same thing happened to ramboxes on laramie/rebel two weeks ago. If you have an order with these items on it - I would not be concerned. If they truly can't complete the order as such, they will have to alert us to etiher remove the item or cancel the order (see onboard power system situation back in July).

4. Production - We have still just those 7 trucks in production, though one made it through all the way to body-vendor so that's a nice sign. how long they hold there, TBD.

5. Sequencing - Still no official word back on why so many recent orders appear in D1 before older orders, or what if anything can be done about it. This was communicated from people way above my paygrade to people way up in the ranks - not just me texting my buddy rep. I don't expect to get a copy of their response, and I may never hear explicitly what was said, we may just see results or not. My purpose in sharing that info was to express that within Mark Dodge, we are doing everything we can. It has the full attention of our owner. Mind you, we are a single owner single property single brand dealership. Everyone in the building, and their entire families, know what's happening here lol. For US, this is not a problem that is getting lost in the shuffle - we are fully aware and engaged. While we are having fantastic results the last few months in a row, we are counting on those deliveries to make our Q4/Q1 what they need to be to meet our internal strategies and continue sharing those efficiencies with customers over and over again. We didn't build an entire PDI facility to sleep in it.

Given the fact that production is at somewhere around a half of a percent of the total orders and we were explicitly told that the published build dates, I know this is easier said than done... lets stay positive. I know that personally (and can say with pretty strong probability that Ashley did similar) I told every single customer that my personal estimate was Q4 to START and then as the months went on, that window expanded into '25. I know many of you are hoping to obtain the vehicle for tax advantages in this calendar year, which is a problem I HOPE to have some day lol - and I hope that this can be achieved as well. That's still 90 days from now, which within that time I could order you 2 3500 megacabs back and they'd be here... meaning.... it could still happen!

I also got a few questions today about the potential (strong) for a port-strike by the longshoremen. Dude. Our trucks come from Detroit to Port Allen Louisana which as far as I can tell would not be directly effected, BUT there is always the chance for a ripple effect of diversion of resources, but wildly too soon to tell. And hey, we don't have RHO's on trains yet to worry about :)

That's all I can think of for now. Oh yeah, take your vitamins and listen to some Kris Kristofferson if you can today, we lost a legend.
Hey Anthony, thanks for the continuous updates and keeping us in the loop.

Does this post we should no longer expect your to see when our trucks go D1 from you in this thread like you’ve done previously with your fancy chart?
Hey Anthony, thanks for the continuous updates and keeping us in the loop.

Does this post we should no longer expect your to see when our trucks go D1 from you in this thread like you’ve done previously with your fancy chart?
Correct - until I am told that there is any value whatsoever in the status being D1, it is irrelevant.
Correct - until I am told that there is any value whatsoever in the status being D1, it is irrelevant.

We April and the first week of May guys are just nervous that our orders haven't even been seen. You get a little nervous when you look at the same tracker for 5 months. And to be honest, I thought once production started, they would pump out 30 trucks a day. It's just the unknown that has guys anxious. If Ram emailed me and told me that my truck was scheduled and it was coming in February, I would be content. I know that's not how it works. I know Mark Dodge has nothing to do with all that but it makes guys anxious. And will we still receive an email from you if we go from D to D1? I know it's not going to be posted on the forum but it would still be good news albeit it doesn't mean a whole lot. Thanks.

We April and the first week of May guys are just nervous that our orders haven't even been seen. You get a little nervous when you look at the same tracker for 5 months. And to be honest, I thought once production started, they would pump out 30 trucks a day. It's just the unknown that has guys anxious. If Ram emailed me and told me that my truck was scheduled and it was coming in February, I would be content. I know that's not how it works. I know Mark Dodge has nothing to do with all that but it makes guys anxious. And will we still receive an email from you if we go from D to D1? I know it's not going to be posted on the forum but it would still be good news albeit it doesn't mean a whole lot. Thanks.
this ^
New Data -

As of this morning there are 2,430 RHO orders in system, with 97 having some form of production status.
So I was wrong when I said half of a percent, it's 4%.
Still a low percentage really. Must be trying to drag out the sold orders
From my perspective, I really don't care how long it takes. This is a second vehicle for me and my wife has two vehicles. It's not something I need, so why do I care if it take 3 months or 1 year?? It's humerous to me how anxious some folks get while waiting on their truck. This is the 4th truck I've ordered and they've all showed up eventually. The thing is, if you are in a bind and NEED a truck soon, don't order it.
If you never ordered a truck and paid attention then how do you know? If you see Q3 at dealerships how would one know? I would love to be in your situation... look at it from first time buyers. I'm five months in already
If you never ordered a truck and paid attention then how do you know? If you see Q3 at dealerships how would one know? I would love to be in your situation... look at it from first time buyers. I'm five months in already
If you aren't able to wait for a possible January delivery date and you don't hear anything as of Nov 1, you may want to just buy another truck. There are a ton of trucks in the $75k to $85k range. Good luck.
@brnvle and @yoda33073 no I will not be sending email when you go to D1, that will come directly from RAM.
I am not going to continue to send out info that has no meaning.
If you ordered in April/May/June I gave you an expectation of Quarter Four. Today is October first.
We set the expectation that you would 100% be waiting 5 months with not much more than a VIN #.
@AnthonyRI would it help if we all (April, May, June, July, maybe even August orders) participated in an open letter to RAM, expressing our disappointment in the process, distraught with the realization that customers and customer loyalty mean little or anything, and frustration with the lack of communication to us and more importantly you, the person acting as our single point of contact for streamlined and informed updates. Not sure we can “threaten” with walking out of our deals, or taking to YouTube, or that any of it will make a slight difference. But what would it mean if you had that in hand to supply to your owner to take up the latter. Anyone else? There might be some power in our collective voice of a few hundred?
I post on each of their ads in Instagram. They've sent me a direct message once but it didn't go anywhere. Maybe if we all post our frustration, maybe, just maybe they'll start to pump a few more out each day.


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I post on each of their ads in Instagram. They've sent me a direct message once but it didn't go anywhere. Maybe if we all post our frustration, maybe, just maybe they'll start to pump a few more out each day.
Oh I doubt that will have any impact whatsoever. It is what it is.
@brnvle and @yoda33073 no I will not be sending email when you go to D1, that will come directly from RAM.
I am not going to continue to send out info that has no meaning.
If you ordered in April/May/June I gave you an expectation of Quarter Four. Today is October first.
We set the expectation that you would 100% be waiting 5 months with not much more than a VIN #.
I like you man, but that was clearly never said. It was always Q3 latest early Q4 for delivery.
And it only has been changing every month as no progress has been done.
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Reality of the situation….if ordering this truck has turned your life upside down and inside out because you ordered in the early months and your demands haven’t been met.

You may be entitled to compensation….Call JG Wentworth 877 CashNow
Reality of the situation….if ordering this truck has turned your life upside down and inside out because you ordered in the early months and your demands haven’t been met.

You may be entitled to compensation….Call JG Wentworth 877 CashNow
I'm good buddy, Save the number for your self. Im just trying to give money away 😉
I post on each of their ads in Instagram. They've sent me a direct message once but it didn't go anywhere. Maybe if we all post our frustration, maybe, just maybe they'll start to pump a few more out each day.
They responded to my comments on IG as well @Dcchris311, then back at the end of July they assigned a 'Case Manager' to me to look into my order and resolve any problems. Trust me when I tell you the form letter emails from Ram have not helped, and they have provided ZERO information, updates, or answers to my questions about how they prioritize production or WHEN my truck may get a production date. Yes, this is what pisses people off in any situation. I'm seriously considering buying a 5.0 F-150, slapping on a Roush or Whipple supercharger and $5k in ICON / Baja Designs or Bilstein suspension bits and enjoying the hell out of it.
I like you man, but that was clearly never said. It was always Q3 latest early Q4 for delivery.
And it only has been changing every month as no progress has been done.
I have not estimated quarter three for a single order ever placed. In fact, I can just about guarantee I said the SAME thing to every early customer. Maybe some of you will find this familiar:

Ram marketing says Quarter Three, which in my mind, more likely means quarter four. The 1500s in general were supposed to be out by Quarter 1, as announced by ram marketing in December of 2023. The first bighorns shipped in april so they missed it by a few weeks. There is always a difference between what marketing says, and what production can actually do. Additionally, you KNOW if they said "Q3" they were going to use every ounce of that Q3 weren't they, which again to me, means quarter 4.

Fairly certain that Ashley, who placed all the orders I didn't (aside from a few by Aaron when I was out), was generally on the same page.
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I have not estimated quarter three for a single order ever placed. In fact, I can just about guarantee I said the SAME thing to every early customer. Maybe some of you will find this familiar:

Ram marketing says Quarter Three, which in my mind, more likely means quarter four. The 1500s in general were supposed to be out by Quarter 1, as announced by ram marketing in December of 2023. The first bighorns shipped in april so they missed it by a few weeks. There is always a difference between what marketing says, and what production can actually do. Additionally, you KNOW if they said "Q3" they were going to use every ounce of that Q3 weren't they, which again to me, means quarter 4.

Fairly certain that Ashley, who placed all the orders I didn't (aside from a few by Aaron when I was out), was generally on the same page.
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Q4 was always the expectation that I was provided by Mark Dodge. It was Ram's advertising that said Q3.

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