Almost accident: Forward Collision > Active Braking

Yeah, that's why I hate that shit. On my 2015 Grand Cherokee SRT, that thing would malfunction out of the blue for no good reason also. I'd be going 80 MPH on an empty highway and it would jam the breaks for no reason at all.
Horrible. Definitely heard people having issues with it. This is my 4th ram 3rd with this active collision and always had it on very low setting and never had an issue. Also had Durango with same system all on low and was normal never any issues.
Damn Forward Collision > Active Braking probably would have caused an accident if someone was behind me.

Vehicle settings > Automatic Emergency Braking > Forward Collision Warning > Active Braking

Wow! That sucks! Yes, it could have caused a rear-ender!

Can’t remember if that is adjustable, but I believe it is. You must have it on “high” sensitivity? Try medium & do some testing.

I’ve run thru similar intersections where the cars look like you are about the go head-to-head & mine hasn’t peeped.
Damn Forward Collision > Active Braking probably would have caused an accident if someone was behind me.

Vehicle settings > Automatic Emergency Braking > Forward Collision Warning > Active Braking

What were your setting set at for the active breaking? I have mine at medium and I've tried lots of different tests and can't get even a chime, let alone a brake. I generally hate active braking but if I could get it to only kick in for emergency then that'd be ideal
First time having a vehicle that does it, so it caught me off guard.
Had same issue on HWY in PA in 2024 Landrover Defender, it slammed on the brakes when I was going 80 over the last of some animal remains. Kids tablets went flying, wife lost whatever she was holding and managed to-do some Matrix level bitching at me while vehicle skidded to a stop.

At least RHO we can disable it, Landrover hides it several menus deep, can only find it when in park and resets to on at high sensitivity at every start up.
Wow. Did you have the turn signal on? Wonder if that makes a difference.
I was wondering about that too. I'm pretty sure I did because I rarely don't use them. NC drivers do alot of crazy stuff, especially in turns. Cutting, merging into the next lane during a turn. People want to do a straight line into instead of curve into turns. Blinding flashing blinkers get most people nervous enough to pay more attention.
You can disable it in unconnect
I should have put it in the original post, first chance I got after that I went and found it, I think.

I'm wondering where the liability would have been if there was an accident. Me since it's my truck, RAM for the default settings, car behind for following to closely, individual insurance just pays both.

AEB (Medium).webp
I should have put it in the original post, first chance I got after that I went and found it, I think.

I'm wondering where the liability would have been if there was an accident. Me since it's my truck, RAM for the default settings, car behind for following to closely, individual insurance just pays both.

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Yep that's it. If you were rear ended their insurance would have been involved and they'd have been cited for whatever your state calls falling too close or failing to avoid collision. It gets more murky when it lane changes from construction line confusion but even then it'd fall under our insurance and our carrier would try and subro from wherever they think they can.

I love the idea behind these systems but we can't be beta testing it with our lives.
This system been out a while my first time having it was 2018 Durango. Also it was first and only time I had issue with it. What happened was I had slow car in fast lane in front for a while and when I saw I had big enough gap I tried to pass him on the right. Durango hit brakes but I think it only stopped me from 80 to about 50 mph. As soon it saw I had big enough distance from car in front it disengaged auto brakes. I think that's a plus but also very dangerous if I was about to pass and it brakes while I'm turning into other lane. During that time I checked and all settings were set medium and automatically disabled until I got comfortable to turn it back to minimum.
I love the idea behind these systems but we can't be beta testing it with our lives
I agree with the spirit of safety, but you can never remove the human element from driving. Just look at the multiple guys killed in Tesla’s, while relying on autopilot that drove them into concrete barriers or semis.
I agree with the spirit of safety, but you can never remove the human element from driving. Just look at the multiple guys killed in Tesla’s, while relying on autopilot that drove them into concrete barriers or semis.
That's more about hubris than tech though. Musk refuses to give up on camera only systems, despite the engineers telling him they aren't enough. We have waymo out here and those have so so so many sensors and cameras, it looks like a mobile proctology clinic.

Totally agree a human element needs to be present, like pilots on planes.
Do the setting reset on each start up for the AEB?
I do not like AEB since my wife had it engage when a deer ran out on the freeway in front of her Toyota Highlander. The car came to a stop and would not respond when she pressed the gas pedal. There was a semi-truck behind her that had to swerve out of the way and side-swiped her car some but with no real impact. If the driver had not swerve off the road, he would have killed her and the kids. Insurance company ruled it her fault for stopping. Since then I have been very against AEB.
Do the setting reset on each start up for the AEB?
I do not like AEB since my wife had it engage when a deer ran out on the freeway in front of her Toyota Highlander. The car came to a stop and would not respond when she pressed the gas pedal. There was a semi-truck behind her that had to swerve out of the way and side-swiped her car some but with no real impact. If the driver had not swerve off the road, he would have killed her and the kids. Insurance company ruled it her fault for stopping. Since then I have been very against AEB.
From past they always stay set what ever you set it to. Haven't noticed that rho changes it back to original so most likely also what ever you set it stays there.

I should have put it in the original post, first chance I got after that I went and found it, I think.

I'm wondering where the liability would have been if there was an accident. Me since it's my truck, RAM for the default settings, car behind for following to closely, individual insurance just pays both.

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It’s incredibly dangerous, glad to hear you disabled it! This feature has all the flags for a major lawsuit one day!

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