RHO Orders @ Mark Dodge! $9K-$11K Dealer Discount (Before incentives)


Would be encouraging to know someone's Level 0/base truck is getting built. Have any so far?
None have been added to e-shop since they first were a couple months ago. Starting to wonder if this is going to be a really long delay for level 0’s. No word and already been 2 months since delay.
I have pretty much given up. I'll either get my deposit money back or lose it. Stellantis is a joke and as far as Mark Dodge goes at the end of the day they're a car dealership.
I have pretty much given up. I'll either get my deposit money back or lose it. Stellantis is a joke and as far as Mark Dodge goes at the end of the day they're a car dealership.
Do you think MD screwed up with the later orders being scheduled and made a few calls to get the earlier ones in production?
****I just viewed Tim Esterdahl saying that Mark Dodge owner and general manager called RAM and asked them to move his RHO production up.

Tim says RAM moved it up. He was last on the list.

I am glad Tim was moved by the owner and general manager. That's wonderful.


I have so far blamed RAM Headquarters for this situation. Now I am not so sure.

I appreciate Mark Dodge discount on such a great truck. It made it more affordable for me to buy one.

With all due respect to Mark Dodge, HOW ABOUT CALLING AND GETTING ALL THE ORDERS IN APRIL and MAY moved up for the rest.

****At this current rate, most can expect delivery now in 2025, probably February.

Do I have to start my own youtube channel to get such preferential treatment.

Yes, I'm frustrated. I don't have a truck right now. Only my wife's car is available.

Since August, we've been working with Ram directly on getting these orders scheduled in a manner that is back on track. If you look back you'll see that things got all out of sorts back in August/Sept where we had gotten up over 180 D1 status but it was all lopsided and was literally every single order placed after August 20th. That was resolved for the most part but we've still seen them have to go in an un-schedule large batches of orders again and again. Last week it looked very reasonably (albeit slow) this week was lopsided again.

Our communications with RAM have been beyond our regional rep and regional supply chain manager, and have been passed from me to our GM and owner - I've shared this as well before. This is not just me sending in an IT request to the void.

We've been doing this on the macro level (literally the same charts that I've been posting here) and also on the micro level of specific vin numbers and specific orders.

We've given them specific VON's of orders to show how nearly identical (sans body-vendor items) from April/May were unscheduled while being surpassed by later orders. Some of those personal examples have gotten ahead, some have not - we'll never know for sure which ones were caused by our highlighting, and which were not. I can say for certain Tim's VIN was not the first one we highlighted, and won't be the last. There is a tactical difference between saying "give me all of our trucks" and "here are some examples of ones that absolutely should have been built by now, and here's why"

Our very first order placed has been built, and in storage.
2nd order, guy who has bought three trucks from us, not yet.
Repeat customer we highlighted who had bought one of our first orders of a 392 last year and one of the first RHO orders, built, not shipped.
Repeat customer who was explicitly told by the brand manager of Ram directly to him, that his truck would be prioritized - didn't happen.

What else to say that hasn't been said, we're frustrated, we're working on it. I can't post email chains with RAM execs.
Ram says they are working on it, and tbh compared to where things were headed 2 months ago we're better than we were, but not enough.
In the end I think we'll see that almost everyone waited longer than ideal for the truck, with those in the margins getting slightly luckier or less so than the mainstream. We're committed to getting each of these orders taken care of not only built but expedited through our internal processes and delivered to your driveway.
Do you think MD screwed up with the later orders being scheduled and made a few calls to get the earlier ones in production?
I have no idea and hope not. But they're a car dealership. I have been around for a awhile (I'm old) and have purchased numerous new and used vehicles. I have had bad and good experiences. Probably about 50/50. Pretty much every bad experience I've personally had purchasing anything has involved a vehicle of some type.
Since August, we've been working with Ram directly on getting these orders scheduled in a manner that is back on track. If you look back you'll see that things got all out of sorts back in August/Sept where we had gotten up over 180 D1 status but it was all lopsided and was literally every single order placed after August 20th. That was resolved for the most part but we've still seen them have to go in an un-schedule large batches of orders again and again. Last week it looked very reasonably (albeit slow) this week was lopsided again.

Our communications with RAM have been beyond our regional rep and regional supply chain manager, and have been passed from me to our GM and owner - I've shared this as well before. This is not just me sending in an IT request to the void.

We've been doing this on the macro level (literally the same charts that I've been posting here) and also on the micro level of specific vin numbers and specific orders.

We've given them specific VON's of orders to show how nearly identical (sans body-vendor items) from April/May were unscheduled while being surpassed by later orders. Some of those personal examples have gotten ahead, some have not - we'll never know for sure which ones were caused by our highlighting, and which were not. I can say for certain Tim's VIN was not the first one we highlighted, and won't be the last. There is a tactical difference between saying "give me all of our trucks" and "here are some examples of ones that absolutely should have been built by now, and here's why"

Our very first order placed has been built, and in storage.
2nd order, guy who has bought three trucks from us, not yet.
Repeat customer we highlighted who had bought one of our first orders of a 392 last year and one of the first RHO orders, built, not shipped.
Repeat customer who was explicitly told by the brand manager of Ram directly to him, that his truck would be prioritized - didn't happen.

What else to say that hasn't been said, we're frustrated, we're working on it. I can't post email chains with RAM execs.
Ram says they are working on it, and tbh compared to where things were headed 2 months ago we're better than we were, but not enough.
In the end I think we'll see that almost everyone waited longer than ideal for the truck, with those in the margins getting slightly luckier or less so than the mainstream. We're committed to getting each of these orders taken care of not only built but expedited through our internal processes and delivered to your driveway.
I for one am very thankful for the communication that you, but not only you give us waiting for the trucks. There aren’t many dealers that would be this involved, nor care. I like know that if I shoot you a text that you get back with me very quickly. I know that I was one of the first ordering a 392 last year and one of the first to order and RHO, both times I was always kept up to date on the whole process. Sometimes technology is a bad thing, if it wasn’t for Facebook, forums, and that dang tracker, I don’t think anyone would give it any mind. First run vehicles are never going to be built as fast as people want, shoot I watched a buddy wait for over a year for his bronco order. I’ve got friends that have waited over a year for a Raptor R and paid over MSRP. So with all that, thanks for all you and Mark Dodge do for all of us inpatient customers, I know you would like to see each of us in our trucks almost as bad as we want to be in them.

For anyone that has any doubt of the integrity of Anthony or anyone else at Mark Dodge, please just ask me, as a repeat customer I can attest to their ongoing work to make sure that every single customer has the best possible experience buying a vehicle. We have to remember as a society we have developed an I want it now attitude. And please stop believing everything everyone says on the internet.
To be fair, Tim has been waiting for a long time. I actually ordered my truck because of his first video on the RHO, and my order was placed on May 8th. That said, I'm sure Tim's order was placed before mine, but fortunately for me, I should be getting my truck in early December.
To be fair, Tim has been waiting for a long time. I actually ordered my truck because of his first video on the RHO, and my order was placed on May 8th. That said, I'm sure Tim's order was placed before mine, but fortunately for me, I should be getting my truck in early December.
I am not upset tims order got through thats great news. Just all the other april orders like myself april 27th. All i have is level 1 and bed cover, so you would think i would atleast be scheduled at this point. I would feel alot better if i was on the schedule but still sitting in D status sucks knowing the factory is going into holiday shutdowns.
To be fair, Tim has been waiting for a long time. I actually ordered my truck because of his first video on the RHO, and my order was placed on May 8th. That said, I'm sure Tim's order was placed before mine, but fortunately for me, I should be getting my truck in early December.
Poor guy. I bet it would really suck to have placed an order on, say day 1, hour 1 and not have a truck yet. I imagine it would be even worse if someone who did so was not even scheduled ..... 🙄 Sincerely, the second guy.
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Poor guy. I bet it would really suck to have placed an order on, say day 1, hour 1 and not have a truck yet. I imagine it would be even sh*there if someone who did so was not even scheduled ..... 🙄
I am forever thankful for Anthony and his team. They have been nothing but professional and helpful any way they can be. I know they are trying their best. But my god Ram, get your stuff together. It blows my mind we have April and May (myself included May7th) orders that haven’t been built, yet alone scheduled. I just keep telling myself it will be worth it in the end! 😬
@AnthonyRI have y’all had an opportunity to determine what parts you’ll have that will work? Rock rails, power running boards, etc. if so any pricing.
180 in e shop 97 mark dodge
If this is accurate, like last time, then it proves that MD made an impact on early builds orders and RAM did listen "sorta". If you check the vins, most of them are in the 57 to 58 group, early orders. I can smell my scheduled build, I'm in 58 vin group. Staying positive.
If this is accurate, like last time, then it proves that MD made an impact on early builds orders and RAM did listen "sorta". If you check the vins, most of them are in the 57 to 58 group, early orders. I can smell my scheduled build, I'm in 58 vin group. Staying positive.
568 group here, not getting any love. 😢
Well well well. Says estimated delivery Feb 4.

From a tracker standpoint it updated to scheduled on 10/13, then Anthony let me know I went back to D a couple weeks later. No other changes until this morning when it flipped to production.

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I meant to ask, what is the purpose of some built trucks in "storage" while some have been delivered and some are for sale on dealership lots?
I don't have it, but I'm within striking distance. It's sitting at Port Allen waiting on a transport to Mark Dodge. This is what I observed. After my truck went to "built" the estimated delivery date went to TBD. On Nov. 6th TBD changed to Nov. 21 and it was confirmed to be on a train. However, the tracker did not move to "shipped" until a week later. So watch for when the TBD date changes as that seems to be live. It arrived at Port Allen yesterday the 13th. Now it is just a matter of it getting on a transport truck from the port to Mark Dodge. So 7-8 days on a train and they are advertising 1-14 days from port to Mark Dodge.
@GNmojo, ok so my tracker went TBD and now it says ETA 11/26. I would think that my truck would go straight on a transport truck and not on rail (i could be wrong) because my dealership is only a 3-hour drive from Sterling Heights MI. I was hopeful that I might be able to pick her up this week. now the holidays next week may get in the way.

I feel terrible for all the April May orders that are still waiting for their order to go D1 but the waiting to get to the finish line when you are so close is awful as well. so close, yet so far away.

I am really fortunate my truck was built when it was. This is a company truck for me. I am in sales and get a new vehicle every 3 years. if this had been much longer before going into production, I think I would have ended up in a Rebel as my lease ended in October. (we extended it 1 month)