Traditional Gauges HELP!

Just ignore the screen set up. From your start screen, just use those arrowns on the left side of steering wheel to scroll up/down until you get to the Speedo/tach screen.
I'll try again, but it's never an option I've seen.

Scrolling through all options

*Tried to upload a video, didn't work.
Scrolling through all options

*Tried to upload a video, didn't work.
Try uploading a google drive link and make sure to make the video “public” or whatever the option to allow anyone to see the video
Try uploading a google drive link and make sure to make the video “public” or whatever the option to allow anyone to see the video
Pm me and I’ll send you a video
I also tried to upload. I’ll send to you, RADA
Same if you cant get it - I have time today
don't you just press the "OK" button on the left side of the steering wheel? then the up arrow to exit?
yes - I believe you are correct - once you select the gauge type you want (modern or traditional) and hit ok, then hit the up arrow - in my experience you hit up a few times since you have to exit the gauge type, and then the display style, screen setup menu, and then actually up arrow more to get to the screen type you want to display - so you may hit up arrow 4 times. You can see the style selected and saved with the check mark
@RADA Get one of your grandkids to help u! Lol kidding
I've scrolled through everything available. It's never an option after saving it.
I did it yesterday. Like I said before, just get to a main screen that shows your speed (it may show other stuff, but no problem). Then hit your right or left arrows on the left side of the steering wheel. When you get to the traditional gages, stop! That’s it. It will stay there until you change it again.
I did it yesterday. Like I said before, just get to a main screen that shows your speed (it may show other stuff, but no problem). Then hit your right or left arrows on the left side of the steering wheel. When you get to the traditional gages, stop! That’s it. It will stay there until you change it again.
She's being tinted right now, so I'll try in a bit.