When i went in to do the paperwork for my truck last night, they pulled up a screen that showed incentives. the only 2 that showed was the 1K for RHO's that supposedly expires early Jan 2025 and the "Ford" incentive of "are you going from Ford to Ram now". They even asked me if my wife drove a Ford since i didn't. I guess they could of used that. I haven't been able to get this other 1K certificate thing that others have got. But at least you know what 2 are guaranteed. I would also start checking with your dealerships as trucks are showing up unannounced. Mine and another showed up in the middle of the night, dealership had no idea. the delivery driver had to sit in the parking lot all night cause no one was there to unload them. Of the 2 that showed up, 1 person has already backed out. I could see others backing out. They have a white one at Erwin Chrysler in Troy OHIO if anyone is interested