Just wanted to drop a quick update on my install and answer some of the questions that came up earlier.
No install went down today. They spent hours just scanning my RHO, trying to figure out how to enable more buttons to enter the PIN code. Right now, the options are super limited. less convenient than other vehicles. They’re sending the data overseas to one of their programmers to work on new firmware that’ll (hopefully) improve how IGLA works with RHOs. I also heard some existing IGLA users with RHOs are running into glitches.
@DinoNuggets I might give Compustar a shot later. Like folks mentioned here, I found out today that it’s still not available for RHO, so it’ll be a while. On the bright side, SoCal IGLA does Compustar installs too.
@SetUSMC Does not void the warranty. I’d be seriously upset since I shelled out extra for Mopar Flex Care!
If anyone in SOCAL wants to reach out, you can text Jon from SoCal IGLA directly at his business cell: (323) 763-0093. Super cool guy!