Percentage of RHOs with issues?

Do you have issues with your RHO

  • Total voters
This is our strength.


We need to be meticulous with our records.

I don't even have my truck, and I already have a folder on my home desk just for it.

My father-in-law is an attorney.

His favorite statement is, "A verbal statement/contract is only as good as the paper it's written on."

EVERY time you go in for service, try to get everything discussed in writing.

Get your service rep's email address. While waiting for service or within minutes of speaking to them (so you don't forget), send them an "in reference" email.
BCC a copy to your spouse/partner/or alternate email address.
BE POLITE! I don't care if your truck explodes on the service drive; just be polite.
Your maturity and level-headedness will go a long way if you ever need to go down the Lemon Law road..


Hi <____>

This email is in reference to our earlier conversation on <DATE:TIME>

We discussed <ISSUE 1>, and <ISSUE 2>.
You mentioned <SOLUTION 1>, / <COMPENSATION 1>,/ <BENEFIT 1>

How long will you need my truck?

Thank you for your time.
Maybe Timmy Tim’s will have issues, here’s to hoping he does lmao 🤣
My thought only - Ram won't care until one of the Youtubers has a problem. They could give a rat's ass about any of us. They know we don't have a voice.
If enough of us speak out as a group, they will notice.

If 10, 20, or more of us, as a group, contact one of the Truck Influencers about RHO issues, you darn well know they will make a video about it because us contacting them as a group insulates the influencer from appearing biased or looking for trouble. They see a large group of individuals coming to them with problems on a truck they reviewed.

Like I said, I'm hopeful that the new RAM leadership will help iron out all the issues. But this online community can help us get restitution if they don't.
If enough of us speak out as a group, they will notice.

If 10, 20, or more of us, as a group, contact one of the Truck Influencers about RHO issues, you darn well know they will make a video about it because us contacting them as a group insulates the influencer from appearing biased or looking for trouble. They see a large group of individuals coming to them with problems on a truck they reviewed.

Like I said, I'm hopeful that the new RAM leadership will help iron out all the issues. But this online community can help us get restitution if they don't.
Good point! Sad but true.
I can’t believe YouTube people aren’t having issues. Wonder if it’s part of an agreement to not give negative PR if they accept truck for long term testing.
I can’t believe YouTube people aren’t having issues. Wonder if it’s part of an agreement to not give negative PR if they accept truck for long term testing.
Damn you just blew my mind, I bet you’re right.
Damn you just blew my mind, I bet you’re right.
There is one YouTuber that I would trust (pickup truck plus???) who ordered a truck and paid himself. Shouldn't involve any strings . Hope he gets his truck soon and posts ALL his experiences neg or positive. Any others that borrow a truck for review. Yea. Nope.
There is one YouTuber that I would trust (pickup truck plus???) who ordered a truck and paid himself. Shouldn't involve any strings . Hope he gets his truck soon and posts ALL his experiences neg or positive. Any others that borrow a truck for review. Yea. Nope.
Yea great point man thanks
I can’t believe YouTube people aren’t having issues. Wonder if it’s part of an agreement to not give negative PR if they accept truck for long term testing.
I bet review trucks are gone over with fine tooth combs and hyper-detail.

Doesn't look good if your review truck dies on camera...
I bet review trucks are gone over with fine tooth combs and hyper-detail.

Doesn't look good if your review truck dies on camera...
Lol exactly, but I want it to happen! People having real issues need immediate attention and resolve.
There is one YouTuber that I would trust (pickup truck plus???) who ordered a truck and paid himself. Shouldn't involve any strings . Hope he gets his truck soon and posts ALL his experiences neg or positive. Any others that borrow a truck for review. Yea. Nope.
I think Tim at Pick Up Trucks + SUV needed to take delivery before Dec 31st for Tax purposes and posted some info about having to swap or cancel order if not - so hopefully he gets delivered ASAP (he was a pretty early order too - May timeframe if I remember)
I think Tim at Pick Up Trucks + SUV needed to take delivery before Dec 31st for Tax purposes and posted some info about having to swap or cancel order if not - so hopefully he gets delivered ASAP (he was a pretty early order too - May timeframe if I remember)
That's true. Hopefully he gets it soon
I think at this point everyone has read about my “first” RHO (11/11). Took in for CEL at 450 miles for multiple low voltage codes, catalytic pressure low code and active misfires. Turned out the cats had melted (replacement parts non existent, believe I had the only two extra in country). Ram sent engineer in last week to identify cause. They were not able to identify. Given it’s been in over 30 days (30 day threshold for LL in Texas) they are rolling me into my orginal order that is being delivered this week. They are also making me whole on the $11,500 I had done in PPF, Tint, Ceramic coating and accessories. When I pick up my original order and get my belongings out of the first one I will see if there’s been any movement on finding cause.

Filled out shared file. Good idea all around btw. Thank you. Shared information is key to this sometimes.
I think at this point everyone has read about my “first” RHO (11/11). Took in for CEL at 450 miles for multiple low voltage codes, catalytic pressure low code and active misfires. Turned out the cats had melted (replacement parts non existent, believe I had the only two extra in country). Ram sent engineer in last week to identify cause. They were not able to identify. Given it’s been in over 30 days (30 day threshold for LL in Texas) they are rolling me into my orginal order that is being delivered this week. They are also making me whole on the $11,500 I had done in PPF, Tint, Ceramic coating and accessories. When I pick up my original order and get my belongings out of the first one I will see if there’s been any movement on finding cause.

Filled out shared file. Good idea all around btw. Thank you. Shared information is key to this sometimes.
I'm glad they took care of you
I can’t believe YouTube people aren’t having issues. Wonder if it’s part of an agreement to not give negative PR if they accept truck for long term testing.
This!! It's like "Reality TV" which is as fake as can be.
Don't believe everything you see on the 'net!!!!
I'm glad they took care of you
I did send an email to Tim and received a call from an executive in response the next day. RAM, regardless of the initial issues with these vehicles, has been great re: my specific situation. I had to sue BMW for not a completely different situation for them to respond, with less I might add, and I’ve spent more than 15x with them over the years… tells you a lot. Again, just my experience with this situation.
I did send an email to Tim and received a call from an executive in response the next day. RAM, regardless of the initial issues with these vehicles, has been great re: my specific situation. I had to sue BMW for not a completely different situation for them to respond, with less I might add, and I’ve spent more than 15x with them over the years… tells you a lot. Again, just my experience with this situation.
Glad to hear it! If any of us has similar issues, can we PM you for his email? It's so difficult to get anyone to be accountable these days.