RHO range and MPG

i cant wait until some poor unsuspecting person finds this thread looking for valuable information on RHO MPG only to open the thread and find a full blown argument of who controls the gas prices. LOL!!!
i cant wait until some poor unsuspecting person finds this thread looking for valuable information on RHO MPG only to open the thread and find a full blown argument of who controls the gas prices. LOL!!!
Exactly haha was wondering wth was going on 😂
Gas never went above $2.25 for regular during his first term because they were drilling and using American oil. He's not going to drill so ExxonMobil can get richer. They already make a billion a year. You'll see. Gas prices are 3 months behind what is happening so I would guess by May, June we will see gas in the mid-twos.
I’ll mark my calendar. by the way, the average price in 2017 was $2.42 the average price in 2018 was $2.72 the average price in 2019 was $2.60 all of that is higher than your $2.25 however in 2020 it did go down to $2.26 a gallon average price for regular.
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i cant wait until some poor unsuspecting person finds this thread looking for valuable information on RHO MPG only to open the thread and find a full blown argument of who controls the gas prices. LOL!!!

Just saying we're arguing here amongst ourselves and nobody has even brought up Colonel Mustard. I can't help but think that's exactly what he wanted.
Gas never went above $2.25 for regular during his first term because they were drilling and using American oil. He's not going to drill so ExxonMobil can get richer. They already make a billion a year. You'll see. Gas prices are 3 months behind what is happening so I would guess by May, June we will see gas in the mid-twos.
Please don't inject facts (as I did with the chart) like actual gas prices in response to purely emotional arguments. I'm also quite amused by anyone on a board full of $80-90k truck owners talking about evils of capitalism and greed. 95% of the United States and 99.9% of the world could never afford one of these trucks. So, while some throw stones at the evil capitalists "above us", make sure you look the other direction as 95% of the population is throwing stones at US for being where we are financially and benefitting from that capitalism.
Lol well… I’m getting about 14.1 mpg here in Arizona. Would like to see it go up another gallon or two by summer. I only have 600 miles on it. I believe my range said just over 400. I need to hand calculate at my next full up.
Back to the topic at hand . . . I'm becoming more "ok" with the RHO numbers/mileage I'm hearing. My Titan XD is getting about 14 mpg since I put new tires on it - so other than the cost of premium fuel, mileage should be pretty close. If it was 11 mpg (driving the same way I drive my Titan) the accountant in me would start twitching!
Back to the topic at hand . . . I'm becoming more "ok" with the RHO numbers/mileage I'm hearing. My Titan XD is getting about 14 mpg since I put new tires on it - so other than the cost of premium fuel, mileage should be pretty close. If it was 11 mpg (driving the same way I drive my Titan) the accountant in me would start twitching!
heck yeah!! i was getting 13.5 average the whole time i owned the raptor, i really dont care as long as its not below 10, then we are back to trx range. wish ram would put a bigger tank like the raptors.
heck yeah!! i was getting 13.5 average the whole time i owned the raptor, i really dont care as long as its not below 10, then we are back to trx range. wish ram would put a bigger tank like the raptors.

The RHO has a 33 gal tank. My 6.2 Denali has only a 21. I'll be happy to not live at the pump.
i cant wait until some poor unsuspecting person finds this thread looking for valuable information on RHO MPG only to open the thread and find a full blown argument of who controls the gas prices. LOL!!!
Haha right? All I know is when dems are in charge, gas is always WAY higher. I mean the graphs don’t lie. 🤷🏻‍♂️
The RHO has a 33 gal tank. My 6.2 Denali has only a 21. I'll be happy to not live at the pump.
I don't get why GM won't make a gas tank any bigger than a 26 gal available as an option in a 1/2 ton crew-cab truck. It's crazy...
i cant wait until some poor unsuspecting person finds this thread looking for valuable information on RHO MPG only to open the thread and find a full blown argument of who controls the gas prices. LOL!!!
I love how we ALL ignore the REAL source of gas prices and dare not say it.....Reptoid Illuminati (this could be my last post....)
The RHO has a 33 gal tank. My 6.2 Denali has only a 21. I'll be happy to not live at the pump.
the raptor has a 36, i wish they would go to this or 39 in the RHO
the raptor has a 36, i wish they would go to this or 39 in the RHO
Not sure where they'd put it. Solid underbelly armor but not much space for larger tank and accompanying protection. At least, from what I can recall. Only went under once but I'll be under a bit this weekend and take some measurements.
Fuel up #5
Mileage: 2029
MPG: 14.6 Hc
80% Highway
70mph average with short WOT passes

I'm not sure if this is helping anyone but I'll continue to post until I'm told otherwise.
helping me 😄
Just for clarity, is anyone actually getting 15mpg?
I have, but I don't :ROFLMAO:

Fuel up #5
Mileage: 2029
MPG: 14.6 Hc
80% Highway
70mph average with short WOT passes

I'm not sure if this is helping anyone but I'll continue to post until I'm told otherwise.
fill up #13
Mileage: 1,584 miles
MPG: mental guesstimate I'm getting 11.7
0% highway for past 100 plus miles or so
45mpg avg but every patch of dirt I find gets played in and some WOT

@Dcchris311 keep it up, it's good info and it made me realize I fill up far too frequently and keep track of miles poorly. You make me want to be a better man.

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